• Classic farmyards are all over the place in our province. You can drive along a busy highway and see at least 5 of them. Now because of the rising increase in arsonists and the need for more property a lot of these houses I am showing you here are no longer around. I am glad I was able to see them for each is very unique, filled with personal items and pieces of history. These houses are a few we found on our winter trip early this year.
• The house in the above picture was a small classic house. Layers of wallpaper peeling of the walls show many different sides of the house. The barn has some old equipment as well as the home to badgers.
This house was on top of a hill in the middle of a field, during winter. It's a 3 story old basement complete with stone foundation and cellar.
The definition of classic Saskatchewan farmhouse is right here. This house was far down a gravel road sitting all alone. This house was covered in old wood flooring complete with old wood stove in the middle. There were a couple maps and beds still in the upstairs bedrooms and the bathroom looked like it would have been in the seventies.