I decided to take this guy out on a bit of a test trip. See what he does when we throw him into a couple abandoned buildings. After going through the rules and the "take only photo's leave only footprints" thing we hit the road. Not in my car but in his as we decided that he wanted pictures of his car in front of some abandoned buildings & churches.
What does he drive? A Volkswagen Golf. Not just any golf, a lowered golf with thin wide tires not meant for exploring. That did not matter, we took it out on the gravel roads anyways and overall did alright with it. As for this guy we took out with us, he did alright to. Followed all the rules, wasn't afraid of much & was fun to have around. I would not take his car exploring again but I will definitely bring him along and hope that he continues to explore with us in the future.
Its hard to find people that enjoy exploring abandoned buildings & interesting sites around the province. Especially hard because most people don't enjoy it at the level i do. None the less we had a good trip overall hit all the background a couple churches, farmyards & houses.
As usual I will give you some tidbits from the trip:
1. You guessed it #1 is do not explore in a lowered Volkswagen Golf
2. Not all provincial standard gates lead to something interesting
3. Roads in the middle of fields may just lead to another road and eventually to a highway
4. People tend to leave all the creepy dolls & stuffed animals behind
5. I learnt that there is such thing as "beer", yes its called beer, no brand
6. I found out that you can use those lemon shaped lemon juice containers as a pull for a light. who knew?
7. If the door was locked on your first trip, try the door on a return trip it may be open
8. people enjoy leaving all sorts of television sets behind
Here are some pictures from the trip:
this is our "newb" seen here doing what he does best, find the basements