I recently found out that a co-worker of mine is more than willing to come on road trips and explore abandoned buildings with me! If you see the name Bitty pop up on my blog you will know who i am talking about.
The original plan was to travel alone because its hard to find people who enjoy this hobby but the company is always nice. Now that i have this friend that will come out with me we have hit the road and gone both east and west to find new locations and things to explore.
On this recent trip we saw plenty of wildlife and found abandoned churches and houses. Some of the highlights include:
- Bitty driving 50 down the highway
- having a man stop by and ask us if we need help while in an abandoned house
- finding abandoned churches
- going up to an old bell tower with blue stained glass
- tripping on carpet covering a large vent and taking a face plant - the jeans did not survive and my knee lost a few layers of skin
- a door on the floor leading to the basement
- Bitty smashing her foot in the door
- Finding clearance bread being used for the communion in a church
- driving through a field on a muddy windy road
- Bitty being fascinated by cows on the road
- having a turtle cross the road in front of us
now time for the photo's..

Bitty preaching to an empty church