Saskatchewan roads are bad. No one who lives here or even visits here can deny that. They are so terrible half the time I would rather drive on gravel then a half paved terrible highway. The government posts signs but that usually doesn't help. In our case when we run into these warning signs we take them as invitations to see what is on the other side.
Here are a few things I have learned:
1. those little red diamond signs on the side of the road marking a bump - 99.9% its a lie
* note: the bumps you have to worry about are the ones that are unmarked
2. if you hit a sign that says dead end - there is always a way around
3. sometimes road warnings are only marked from one direction, if you drive in from the other direction, well your screwed
4. if you hit a sign that says surface failures next 26km, they aren't kidding
5. when your road disappears into a lake, its time to turn around
6. if you have multiple signs in one area all yellow and orange you better be prepared
7. if you run into bridge construction and there was no warning about it, there is always a way around
8. really steep, curvy, winding, gravel downhill road leading down into a valley better have something at the bottom that is worth it
9. if you drive into a field on an abandoned road and run into squatters, turn around