My friend from another part of the province came to visit me on the weekend and we went out exploring. Just happened to be the coldest most snow covered weekend we have had. As well as windchill warnings all over the province and advisories not to travel. You would think this would stop us. Not a chance, we went out anyways, dressed for the weather we took on the elements in search of locations.
So here are some tips for exploring in -35 to -45 weather:
1. Dress in layers
2. Always bring heat packs with you - in my experience the instant packs that heat up in a couple minutes last the longest (usually 10 hours) as opposed to the re-usable variety
3. extra socks, scarfs and mitts are a must
4. winter boots, the higher the better
5. a good toque that covers your ears
6. ski pants - I bought a pair with extra pockets to carry extra batteries & my camera in
7. bring mag lights, because its winter you will run out of daylight fast and if you find something interesting you you will need good light
note: don't touch the mag light if its frozen
8. stay dry at all times, adjust to the temperature, when you get in your vehicle take off layers so you don't sweat
9. if you have glasses take them off or leave them in the vehicle, because when your walking a 1/4 mile in -35 weather to get to your destination, they freeze up fast
note: make sure everything you have is waterproof and windproof! Also if you have a vehicle it is good to leave it running or get remote start
Here are a couple things I have learned from the trip:
1. before opening a door to an abandoned house check for hinges, because standing in snow having a door fall on you, is well ... not very fun
2. if your going to walk 1/4 mile in -35 weather do not, I repeat do not fall down halfway in knee deep snow, because getting up is not an easy task
3. always put instant heat packs in your boots, having freezing toes when you are halfway to your destination is not a good thing and no one likes a complainer
4. if your hair is turning white, your scarf is frozen to your face as well as your glasses and your eyelashes are frozen together, maybe its time to turn back
5. Canon PowerShot A720 IS digital camera can withstand being dropped in snow, can handle being completely frozen, being covered in ice & water (melted snow)
note: men drink to much coffee and take to many bathroom breaks - my advice go to the bathroom before you leave and drink less coffee on the road
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