Tunnels are something that is not a huge thing in Saskatchewan but with a bit of research they can be found. Wether is being natural or built by man, tunnels are where you least except them. Most people dont know much about tunnels or that we have any in Saskatchewan. Well now you know - we do have them although alot of them are disappearing fast - i have been fortunate to have my fair share of fun in them.
Highlights & Lowlights of being in tunnels:
- having to wear a resperator
- tripping & taking a face plant into asbestos
- being the only person in the group who can stand up straight in the tunnels without hunching over
- running into something on the ground
- partially caved in tunnels
- being underground
natural caves/tunnels


one of my exploring partners - all the white on his sweater is asbestos

little gate at the end of the tunnel

another buddy of mine i explore with - in a fairly clean tunnel

asbestos flaking & peeling off pipes
definately the cleanest tunnel i have been in - and the most recent
this is awesome!
i have a huge fondness for saskatchewan. i love exploring it.
i really want to get more into the urban exploring aspect of it, but right now i mostly just drive around and find things.
Thank you.
Nice to know someone else is out there exploring it. I do both rural and urban exploration - most of the tunnels are from urban centers. You should definately send me an e-mail and we can talk about exploring a bit more.
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