When we first arrived at the town we scouted around for where this mysterious theater could be. I pointed out in the distance a building with no windows. We hiked through long grass but finally made it out to the building and all agreed this had to be it. Once inside we went to the projector room. It was still full of all the letters and the curtains but sadly no projectors. We looked through the small holes and could not believe the size of the theater. We walked down and started walking the isles of the theater very impressed in its condition. nothing was broken. All the curtains were still on the stage including the multi-colored lighting above and controls. Who would have thought that this building was here?
It was definitely something new and exciting and I know we all enjoyed it very much.
On our way out we passed a few other buildings and i spotted an abandoned church. I instantly got exciting and knew we had to explore it. Clearly running out of time we all agreed and went inside. It was much larger than i expected with hallways of rooms, meeting areas and a huge church barely touched. The only way to tell it was abandoned was by the dead insects on the carpet. Looked like the last time they used it was around 1996. All original elements were still in place, which was nice to see. I am glad we made time to quickly photograph and document this building.
Some highlights from the trip:
- all of us spelling our names with theater letters
- a full theater with no vandalism!
- a complete intact church with no vandalism!
- once again using my flash to create interesting lighting effects
- finding a snakes skin and starting to worry about what to do if i run into a snake
- having another photographer follow us
- church robes still in plastic
Here are some of the best photo's from the trip:

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