I went out the other night with my exploring partner. The only thing we had in mind was a church which we weren't even sure was still around. Ends up we picked the night with the most fog. Not that i mind fog but it makes it hard to find anything.
We almost missed the church - hidden away in the fog there it stood. Not a bad find but totally gutted and destroyed. Next we continued on and found a few interesting farmhouses along with an old town hall. The town hall hall was the most interesting by far because it was decorated with christmas items as well it had a tree all set up and decorated. Clearly abandoned for years this place was virtually untouched. The middle of nowhere not one window smashed, not one dish broken into pieces the place was amazing. Besides some foundation problems this place could probably be used again.
It was great to find the christmas stuff because this was our last trip exploring together until after christmas. So here are a few pictures from our trip, keep in mind as it was fairly cold we kept the dslr's in the vehicle and took the canon s3 around to locations with us.

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