So saskurbex and i decided that we were going to go check out a larger location and then hit the grids for some photography as we have longer daylight now. Set with our camera gear we took my car for a change and hit the road. The trip was a success we found a few interesting places but spent alot of time scouting as getting to some of the locations was impossible (especially since saskurbex was injured).
Some experiences & lessons from the trip:
- getting stuck in the mud and stopping in the middle of it (lucky saskurbex was there to help direct me out of it-thanx!)
- learning how to reverse in the dark
- small chairs are not uncomfortable if you are short
- wearing shoes covered in vents is not suitable for weather with melting snow
- you can find the power on in the strangest places
- old railway stations still do exist
- double check the gps with the map
- always give the injured person a head start instead of waiting for them :p
found some old school couches in a church

sask urbex and i

the bible to end all bibles - this thing was massive and the font huge!

piano time! - very out of tune

church covered in cyan! cyan rug! cyan chairs! very retro.

old UGG elevator

railway station - seen better days


and then there was this.. its missing the roof?
saskurbex and i could only be confused by the site of this

nearing end of day
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