Phoenix Enigma, Saskurbex and I all went out a road trip with no real destination in mind. We knew the area we wanted to be in, but not sure what we would find. One of our first stops was a ghost town, an unexpected ghost town. Old business's, houses and a town hall all still intact we put on our boots and started to walk around the town. Not much vandalism to our surprise we took this oppertunity to take many photo's and spend more time then we planned to in the town.
Here are a few snapshots:
found an old storage area.. only i could fit comfortably inside :p

old wax McDonalds cups.. its been so long

why people always leave dishes in the sink is beyond me

brand didnt matter as long as they had horseradish

and the bus.. all of us loved this bus
(but phoenix enigma was especially fascinated with it)
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